

In my travels around the world, I have met many interesting people. It is amazing the incredible journeys that some people are taking. I created this page to document some of these treks. I will add more amazing people in the future.

Alaska to Argentina by Bicycle

In Mexico, we met two people from Japan who were travelling from Alaska to Argentina by bicycle. They flew to Alaska, from Japan, with their bicycles and will return to Japan from Argentina.

Around the World by Camper Vehicle

Amazing People

I have met several people travelling around the world in camping vehicles. One couple, Hans and Karola,  started in Germany and shipped their 2001 Mann truck camper to North America after touring Europe. They drove from the tip of Florida to the Canadian Arctic. From there, they will drive to Alaska and then from Alaska to Argentina. Then, they will ship their vehicle to South Africa and proceed back to Europe. Previously they had been to Russia, China, Mongolia and North Africa.   I met them in Inuvik in the Canadian Arctic. The vehicle is unusual, so you will know them if you see it. Be sure to wave.

Around the World in a small 4×4

I met Ivan and Katia on the Dempster Highway in the Canadian Arctic. Before arriving in Canada, they had travelled from France east across Europe and Asia through Mongolia and Kazakhstan. They shipped their vehicle from Russia to Vancouver. After touring the Canadian north and Alaska, they will be heading for Argentina.

Around the World by Bicycle


above: Pablo in Kazakhstan

photo below taken in Mongolia

Pablo 1s

One of the most amazing people I have ever met is a guy named Pablo, who is travelling around the world on a bicycle. He started in Spain and travelled east through Poland and Ukraine to Russia, then through Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia, and China to eastern Russia. From there, he flew to Canada. We met him in the Canadian Arctic. He has travelled more than 25,000 kilometres so far. He is now on his way to Argentina. What a fantastic trip.

Be sure to say hello if you see him.

Walking across Canada

In the Canadian Arctic, we met an amazing young couple who were walking from Inuvik, near the Arctic Ocean, to St. Johns, Newfoundland, on the east coast of Canada. An incredible distance of about 9,316 km.

By Motorcycle

I met a man in the Northwest Territories who is from southern California. At age 72, he bought a tent and a motorcycle and went to the Canadian Arctic. He had never ridden a motorcycle before. As long as you have your health, don’t let your age or the fact that you are alone stop you from going on your dream adventure.

By Canoe

I never met Don Starkell, but I read the story of his amazing trip by canoe from Winnipeg, Canada, to the east coast of Brazil. He went down the Red River and the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico with his son. They followed the coast of Mexico around the gulf to the Orinoco River and then the Amazon to the Atlantic coast of Brazil. They are in the Guinness Book of Records for having completed the longest canoe trip ever, a distance of 19,603 kilometres (12,181 miles). You can read about their amazing trip in his book, titled “Paddle to the Amazon”. I have read it twice, and it is one of my favourite books.


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